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Do You Want An Extraordinary Life?

I woke up one day and couldn’t get out of bed

I was burnt out, in an abusive relationship and hated my job

I'd met him when I was burnout out and at my lowest ebb

Are You Living An Extraordinary Life?

I had to figure out how to support myself and I needed a way out of my relationship

I wanted to get unstuck and out of the situation I was in

But I was afraid to leave

My partner had already made a suicide attempt

And he made me feel unworthy of being lovable

He'd managed to get rid of a lot of my support mechanisms

And I wasn’t in control of my finances

The final straw came when I found out my chances of having children was limited

I sat there at the Doctor's office with the room spinning and his words just washing over me like I was in a dream

I'm almost certain that my stressful life where I was trying to "have it all" was part of the reason I was struggling to have children

You know when the world slows down?

My whole life I was told working in a 9-5 job was the way it was

The 70+ hour weeks, the traveling, the good salary

I was "lucky" wasn't I?

But I realised working 9-5 wasn’t enough

I realised I couldn’t make enough money

I realised I couldn’t positively impact the world or leave a legacy like always wanted to

I realised I’d be trapped forever in an abusive relationship if nothing changed

I knew then that I needed to work for myself

I needed to be free of the rat race

I needed to be free from the abuse

So I realised for the first time in my life I had to quit...

Quit my job

Quit my relationship

Quit the life that I knew

So I decided that I wanted to become an Entrepreneur

My plan started with a big vision

A big dream to help 1 million people!

I could use my Psychology degree and my 15 years of putting global businesses on a diet to change my own situation

I wanted to help business owners to become unstuck in their own way, to find more time, money and to gain more energy

I signed up for a masters degree in positive psychology and set up my own online business

Sounds amazing, right?

The problem was that after any abuse whether it’s physical or verbal there are after effects.

I was stalked, owed money and I would find myself breaking broke down at random times for no reason

I also didn’t know how to build an online business

I had no idea what I was doing

I thought once my website was live clients would come running

Why wouldn’t they?

I knew my stuff, I was accredited and ready to serve

But instead there was tumbleweed

Forward onto today and I’ve moved forwards in so many ways

I make my own hours up and design my own life

I am finally free from the chains of 9-5

I managed to build my business from scratch with some amazing clients who inspire me everyday

80% of what I do is now online so if I’m ill or on holiday my business can carry on

I’ve been able to travel as much as I like and even lived by the beach for 6 months

I have so many people around me now supporting my dreams including my own coach who is always there to support (and challenge) my decisions

The best news is though that I am starting the process of adoption

Isn’t that amazing?

And every day I'm helping people to become unstuck and to live their dream life's full of energy with more time and more money

The thing is that you don’t have to go through any of this to make the changes you know that you deserve or want

There are times when you can just decide to quit

Making a decision is instantaneous

“Time is free, but it is priceless, once you’ve lost it you can never get it back”

Harvey Mackay


Now that you know what an extraordinary life looks like for me, could it be time for you to figure out what that means to you?


Nikki xx

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